(Source: City of Palo Alto, CA) 43fc80b7-8100-4e8e-bc70-5fc3f1ad9646.pdf CITY OF PALO ALTO CITY COUNCIL TRANSCRIPT Special Meeting September 15, 2015 The City Council of the City of Palo Alto met on this date in the Council Chambers at 5:31 P.M. Present: Berman, Burt, DuBois, Filseth, Holman, Kniss arrived at 5:37 P.M., Scharff, Schmid arrived at 5:34 P.M., Wolbach Absent: Closed Session Mayor Holman: We will need a Motion regarding whether we will go into Closed Session regarding the conference with the City Attorney on existing litigation, Joanne Jacobs v. City of Palo Alto, Santa Clara County Superior Court. CONFERENCE WITH CITY ATTORNEY-Existing Litigation Joanne Jacobs v. City of Palo...